Microsoft Azure provides a robust platform for creating virtual machines (VMs) that cater to various business needs. This step-by-step guide walks you through the process of creating a virtual machine in Azure.
Azure subscription: Sign up for an Azure account if you haven't already.
Azure portal access: Go to the Azure portal.
Create a Virtual Machine
Step 1: Choose the Virtual Machine Option
Click on Create a resource in the top left corner of the Azure portal.
Search for Virtual Machine and select Virtual machines from the search results.
Step 2: Configure Basic Settings
Click on Create and select Azure virtual machine.
Fill in the Basics tab:
Subscription: Select your Azure subscription.
Resource group: Choose an existing resource group or create a new one.
Virtual machine name: Enter a name for your VM.
Region: Select a region for your VM.
Availability options: Choose an availability zone or create an availability set.
Security type: Select a security type (e.g., Standard, Trusted Launch).
Step 3: Choose a Virtual Machine Size
Click on the Size tab.
Select a VM size that meets your requirements (e.g., CPU, memory, storage).
Step 4: Configure Storage and Networking
Click on the Disks tab:
OS disk type: Choose a disk type (e.g., Premium SSD, Standard SSD).
Data disks: Add data disks if needed.
Click on the Networking tab:
Virtual network: Select an existing virtual network or create a new one.
Subnet: Choose a subnet.
Public IP: Select an existing public IP address or create a new one.
Step 5: Configure Management and Monitoring
Click on the Management tab:
Boot diagnostics: Enable or disable boot diagnostics.
Monitoring: Choose a monitoring level.
Click on the Advanced tab:
- Cloud-init: Configure cloud-init settings if needed.
Note: step 5 settings is optional, can be skipped.
Step 6: Review and Create
Review your VM configuration.
Click on Create to create the virtual machine
Post-Creation Step
Connect to the VM: Use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) for windows virtual machine and Secure Shell (SSH) for Linux to connect to your VM.